how are you doing, really?

work·place well-be·ing /ˈwərkˌplās/ /ˈˌwel ˈˌbēiNG/

Workplace well-being relates to all aspects of working life, from the quality and safety of the physical environment, how employees feel about their work, their working environment, the climate at work and work organization.

Mental Health America suggests that employers model and practice self-care within the workplace to alleviate stress and help their employees tackle challenges with clear minds. Employees need personalized well-being programs for the workplace to overcome systemic stress and anxiety, boost their immune systems through proper habits and how to manage competing responsibilities.

Rooted in Radiance empowers employers with holistic well-being programs, developing healthier workforces. We align with Mental Health America's self-care guidance, aiding employees in navigating challenges, acquiring skills, and nurturing long-term habits for productive, balanced lives. Our programming, encompassing health talks, stress reduction sessions, breath work, and meditation, promotes mental resilience and enhances employee welfare.

Your business’s long-term effectiveness lies in the hands of your workforce.

Organizational Stress Reduction Programming

Holistic programs and workshops to help lower stress levels, promote relaxation and slow down the body's functions, including heart rate, nervous system, and blood pressure.

Organizational Stress Reduction Programming encompasses comprehensive programs and workshops designed to address and alleviate stress within the organizational context. These holistic initiatives are meticulously crafted to nurture well-being by targeting various facets of individuals' physical and mental health. Through a blend of evidence-based practices and innovative methodologies, these programs aim not only to lower stress levels but also to cultivate a sustainable culture of relaxation and resilience within the workplace

Wellness and Stress Reduction Offerings

  • Wellness Workshops

    Experiential workshops dedicated to preserving mental well-being. Explore effective strategies for work-life integration, including time management, boundary setting, and mindfulness practices. Equip your team with practical tools to manage stress, reduce anxiety, and enhance overall life quality personally and professionally.

    Workshop Experience: Starting at $3,150

  • In-Person & Virtual Classes

    Our long-term stress reduction programs, available weekly or monthly, both in-person and virtual, focus exclusively on mindfulness workshops, meditation, and breathwork. Through a comprehensive framework, we offer impact-driven and culturally attuned experiences tailored to your specific needs, promoting a holistic approach to employee well-being.

    3, 6 and 12 Month Experiences: starting at $10,000

  • Conferences & Retreats

    Elevate your corporate retreats and conferences with our personalized yoga, breathwork and meditation sessions tailored to growth, personal development, and mindful living. Whether integrating wellness elements into existing events or creating new, focused well-being experiences, we provide a comprehensive approach to enhance the overall impact and satisfaction of your attendees.

    Conference Speaking Experience: Starting at $3,500

Champion Your Team’s Productivity

Our Stress Reduction Programs are tailored for organizations ready to:

  • Align the values, goals, and actions of your employees for a more streamlined work life.

  • Support teams in uncovering their true passion and finding the ideal career path.

  • Promote sustained inspiration throughout the mental health and well-being journey.

  • Integrate the mental, spiritual, and physical advantages of fitness and body movement into the workplace.

  • Enhance job satisfaction and foster a harmonious work-life balance.

Program Focus Areas:

  • Managing Burnout and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

  • Developing Effective Leadership Skills

  • Overcoming Negative Core Beliefs

  • Strategic Planning and Goal Setting

  • Breaking Self-Sabotaging Habits

  • Embracing Holistic Self-Care Techniques

Employees of color have unique needs often related to intergenerational health inequality, trauma and stress.

Rooted in Radiance shines light on the need for increased mental-health support for BIPOC professionals. Improving wellness and self-care within organizations not only aids in retention, but also generational healing. We offer unique, culturally-informed services and strategies for BIPOC professionals including workshops, programs, trainings and health classes taught by facilitators of color.

Business Certifications

We recognize the commitment to supplier diversity that is embraced by corporations and government agencies today, and we can add diversity to your supply chain.

Capability statement available upon request.

If you’re looking for a sign, this is it.