From Surviving to Thriving: The Revolution of Self-Care


Hello September, we have arrived.

As September dawns, we must take an intentional moment to honor and recognize: Self-Care Awareness Month. It's a time when we embrace the power of nurturing ourselves—mind, body, and spirit.

Self-care isn't selfish; it's a lifeline. When we tend to our own well-being, we're better equipped to uplift others. Remember, our ancestors thrived through resilience. This month, let's channel that energy. Engage in self-reflection, celebrate your magic, and embrace self-love.


Nourishing our bodies with wholesome foods and movement is an act of reclaiming our health.

Let's dance, practice yoga, and relish nature's embrace. Our physical vessel is a treasure, and it's time we treat it as such. It’s also Yoga Awareness Month so make sure you tend to your body through the art of yoga.

Check out these videos to help you get your practice started.

But self-care goes beyond the surface. Our minds deserve gentleness too. Meditate, journal, or seek therapy—whatever resonates. By caring for our mental landscape, we chip away at the stigma surrounding mental health within our community.

Check out these meditations on insight time to help fill your mind with ease.


The Revolution of Self-Care as BIPOC

In a world where our existence can be a battleground, prioritizing self-care is a revolutionary act. As a Black woman, I know the weight we carry—the intergenerational traumas, the daily microaggressions. It's time we recognize that healing ourselves is healing our community.

For those who identify as BIPOC, our interconnectedness is profound. When you heal yourself, you're healing others. Strengthen bonds, share stories, and bask in the love of our tribe. Our unity is a source of power, reminding us that we're never alone in this journey. We will always press forward to bring intergenerational healing.


Take a Moment to Disconnect

Digital detoxes are radical acts of self-preservation. Disconnect to reconnect—with your essence, your dreams, and your people. By disconnecting, we can promote mental clarity, reduce stress, improve sleep, and enhance productivity, allowing you to have a balanced and fulfilling life. You deserve that.

Let this September be a sacred pause. Embrace self-compassion, celebrate your victories, and transform setbacks into stepping stones. Let's show ourselves the grace we extend to our loved ones.

In a world that tries to dim our brilliance, self-care is a rebellion—an affirmation that we are deserving. So, light your favorite candles, run a soothing bath, and let the healing begin.


Schedule a meeting with Rooted in Radiance to champion your well-being journey.

Check in: are you hydrated?


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