How the moon cycles affect our emotions

The moon has been a source of inspiration, fascination, and mystery for centuries. It has been linked to mythology, magic, and folklore, and has been associated with the cycles of life, death, and rebirth. But did you know that the moon also has a powerful influence on our emotions?

The moon's gravitational pull affects the tides, the growth of plants, and even the behavior of animals. But it also has a profound effect on our own emotional and psychological states. Many people report feeling more emotional, introspective, or energized during certain phases of the moon. So how exactly do the moon cycles affect our emotions and how can you use the moon cycles to improve your emotional well-being? Here are some tips:


New Moon

The new moon is a time of new beginnings, fresh starts, and planting seeds. It's a time to set intentions and make plans for the future. During this time, you may feel a sense of excitement and optimism, as you look forward to what's to come.


Set intentions: Use the new moon as a time to set intentions and make plans for the future. Write down your goals and visualize them coming to fruition.



Waxing Moon

As the moon begins to grow in size, it's said to be in the waxing phase. This phase is associated with growth, abundance, and expansion. It's a time to take action and move forward with your plans. You may feel a sense of motivation and drive during this time.


Connect with nature: Spend time outside and connect with the natural world. Observe the phases of the moon and notice how they affect your emotional and energetic states.



Full Moon

The full moon is perhaps the most well-known phase of the lunar cycle. It's a time of heightened emotions, intense feelings, and deep reflection. You may feel more sensitive, emotional, or moody during this time. It's also a time of release, letting go of what no longer serves you.


Practice self-care: Take care of yourself during the full moon. This can include practicing mindfulness, meditation, or yoga, or simply taking a relaxing bath or spending time in nature.



Waning Moon

As the moon begins to decrease in size, it's said to be in the waning phase. This phase is associated with introspection, reflection, and letting go. It's a time to release old patterns, habits, and relationships that no longer serve you. You may feel a sense of relief and clarity during this time.


Let go of what no longer serves you: Use the waning moon as a time to release what no longer serves you. This can include physical clutter, negative thought patterns, or unhealthy relationships.



The moon cycles have a powerful effect on our emotions and psychological states.

By tuning in to the lunar cycle, setting intentions, practicing self-care, and letting go of what no longer serves us, we can harness the moon's energy to improve our emotional well-being and connect with the cycles of nature.


Watch the event recap Tems August Full Moon Flow happened in Anacostia Park on Aug 1, 2023.


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